Madonna House Apostolate is a Catholic community of men, women and priests, dedicated to loving and serving Jesus Christ in all aspects of everyday life. Madonna House was founded in 1947, by Catherine & Eddie Doherty.
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The Power of the Unseen—Part 1
by Shatzi Duffy
MH Rimouski (Quebec) April 1, 2023 Everyone in this big town
Madonna House
03 August, 2023
Front Lines and Little Things by Mary Nadeau
There was a news clip recently of a shift change at a busy N
One opportunity during this COVID-time when our usual ways o
Madonna House
30 July, 2023
Our Heart
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Arise – go! Sell all you possess. Give it directly, personally to the poor. Take up My cross (their cross) and follow Me, going to the poor, being poor, being one of them, one of Me.
Little – be always little! Be simple, poor, childlike.
Preach the Gospel with your life – without compromise! Listen to the Spirit. He will lead you.